Join us for Sensory Skills Foundation just north of Charlotte, NC at Trail Blaze Coffee -
In Sensory Foundations we work with our basic senses to understand how they interact with coffee.
We will use tools to improve aromatic recall and descriptive analysis.
We will explore coffees with varying quality and intensity levels and identify differences.
9:00-9:30 Welcome, Coffee, Orientation, Registration
9:30-10:00 Lecture
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-12:30 Lecture and Labs –
Olfactory and Taste
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Lecture and Labs –
Coffee Quality: High, Medium, Low
Coffee Quality: Intensity Scaling - Acidity, Bitterness, and Body
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:45 Labs
Coffee Quality: Attributes – Fruity, Floral, Sweet, Nutty/Cocoa, Spices
SCA Cupping Protocol
4:45-5:00 Q+A, Photo, and Closing
Payment can be made here -
Cost includes SCA Fees, Lunch, and Snacks.